
About Reto Juvenil Internacional



Reto Juvenil Internacional is a non-profit NGO that promotes community development through global leaders. The organization opened its’ doors in 1991, by forming a strategic alliance with Canada, Guyana and Australia. From that moment on, RJI Costa Rica began its unwavering effort to aid the communities of the country in most need. Since 2005, after 14 years of significant experience, Reto Juvenil decided to expand beyond its’ initial alliances and look for new international partners. This allowed Reto to extend its’ impact area to the rest of the neighboring countries and cover the entire Central American region.

During its´ trajectory, Reto Juvenil has focused in three key areas for rural development: environmental conservation, education and community organization. Greatest emphasis has been given to projects with children, women and indigenous peoples, the populations in greatest social risk. Today, after more than 20 years of hard work, Reto Juvenil is proud to have supported the communities of Central America with over 540 development projects.

In RJI, we believe in the importance of investing in youth leadership and of empowering youth with a greater social conscience. We are sure that our today´s volunteers will be the responsible for constructing a better and more just world for tomorrow. For this reason, during unforgettable experiences of intercultural exchange, we promote international volunteers to join our causes by dedicating their time, expertise and physical strength to aid the communities that need it most. In this manner, RJI has had the opportunity to work with over 7 500 volunteers from different nationalities and social backgrounds.



Listed Below, we share some of the results accomplished during our more than 20 years of being present in the region:

53 scholar classrooms.
18 scholar dining rooms.
29 health centers.
12 centers for medical emergencies.
883 ophthalmologic surgeries.
26 community centers.
13 centers for women´s groups.
36 rural aqueducts.
38 conferences for youth groups.
30 conferences for women groups.
30 organic agriculture projects.
26 ecotourism projects.
109 environmental conservation projects.


RJI is globally recognized for its commitment to youth development and sustainable community development


At Reto Juvenil Internacional we promote the leadership of youths by supporting initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of life in the communities, through a diverse and creative work team committed to the construction of a fairer and more united world.