
Option 1

Situated on the north-central Pacific coast of Costa Rica, this town of roughly 100 is right on the beach; has a small grocery shop and several open-air restaurants, as well as potable water, and electricity. 

The project site is not located in a typical tourist area and project participants are usually the only non-locals in town.  The Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) is the most common specie that you will find; it is also possible to observe the sporadic nesting Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), Hawksbill Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Eastern Pacific Leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea). 

Climate it often rains, but there are more than plenty of sunny days. Daytime temperatures range from the mid-70 when overcast to mid-90’s when the sun is out.


Participation Fee per person:                                                         

•    One  week $800 USD
      •    Two weeks $1200 USD
      •    Each additional week $350 USD

Fee include

-Pick up airport in an out.
-Two nights hostel in San Jose (one at the begining, one at the end).
-Transport to the community.
-Accommodation and food (3 meals every day)with a local family, at the project station or overflow cabins.
-Staff support 24/7


Fee not include

-In country transportation.
-Phone cards.
-Medical / Accident insurance.



Volunteer Tasks:

•    Night Beach Patrols: Approximately 3 hour walks monitoring sea turtle nesting activity.
•    Data Register: Egg Collection, Turtle Measuring and Tagging.
•    Hatcheries: Nest relocation and hatchling release after incubation period.
•    Community Interaction (optional): English lessons at local school, college andmembers of the association; also environmental education, Art programs, local tours…
•    Construction and nursery care (for nests of turtle eggs)
•    Cleaning the beach (at least once a month organized by the community)
•    Construction of houses and other infrastructure to facilitate patrols and stay of visitorsand volunteers on the observation of nesting.


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